Welcome to the ring.

Chemotherapy treatment is an experience unlike any other that can leave your body weak, your spirits low, and a feeling that few around you can truly understand.

We get it because we’ve been there, too.

We know what it’s like to head into chemo with few patients close to your age who are up for chatting and have barely enough energy to walk to the bathroom, let alone get in your car and drive to a support group. We know what it’s like to turn to the Internet in hopes of finding answers to the changes that are happening to your body, only to be left with little-to-no resources and your questions remain unanswered.

That’s when we said: enough is enough.

That it was time to bring the community to you. To create a space where we can stand in your corner and fight this thing head on, together. 

So when you’re with us, you’re not only getting a community who is there for you every step of the way, but also a place you can turn to for helpful resources, virtual or in-person support and education to help you come out on top.

Because we believe it’s time to put on your boxing gloves, get in the ring, and face your fight head-on with us right by your side.

Welcome to The Chemo Club.