Please introduce yourself(Name, where you’re from) - What was your life like before undergoing chemotherapy?
My name is Wilette Nguyen, and I am from Northern California.
My life before undergoing chemotherapy was full of energy and light. I was in my early 40s, healthy, and ever so free spirited and fulfilled. Life was beautiful and whimsical. My career was a source of great satisfaction, and I was proud of what I had accomplished thus far. And I travelled and travelled, which was something that I was so passionate about. The adventure, learning about new cultures, and the experiences that came along with each new place. Life was timeless. Life was amazing.
Bring us along your journey – when were you diagnosed with cancer? Whatwas your initial reaction?
I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer in May 2021. Although when I discovered the lump (randomly in the shower) I knew in my gut something was wrong. But when I received the official diagnosis from my doctor my heart fell, my world collapsed in that 5 minute conversation, and I broke down. I thought, how much time do I have, will I die, how will I tell my kids.
What was your first chemotherapy treatment like? What treatment/treatments did you or are currently undergoing?
I did all the research on chemotherapy. I asked for the best medical team (recommendations from my doctors). So when it was time for my first treatment I had a lot of knowledge about the process and the potential side effects. I was as prepared and ready as I could ever be, at least I thought I was. But nothing can ever prepare for the first treatment. The emotions and the physical feelings was indescribable. I put on a brave face and closed my eyes as the nurse prepared the administration of the AC treatment. I was not going to cry, I was not going to show fear. My husband couldn’t see it, so he left the room, and all I could do is close my eyes and breathe.
Who did you turn to as your support system?
I had the most amazing support system my husband and kids, my immediate and extended family, friends, co-workers, and all the nurses and doctors. I was so blessed to have so many people praying for me and standing by my side.
What is something you wished you knew before starting your chemo treatment?
I did all the research on my own. I wish there was one place I could go to get all my answers - nutrition, cold cap, exercise, general mental health therapy, etc…
Have there been certain side effects that have been worse than others?
My bone density has gone done severely due to the hormone blockers. Heat flashes seem to have a find of there own. I have it good compared to some of the patients that I see at the cancer clinic. So I can’t complain.
What are tips/tricks you have learned along the way to help with chemo side effects?
Knowledge is power. Unfortunately it’s not a one solution situation.
Do you recommend any chemo friendly products?
If you can do a cold cap while in chemo do it. Having my hair was a big mental thing for me. I believed if I didn’t look sick, people wouldn’t treat me differently. It was mind over matter. I attributed having hair to my positive attitude.
Any advice for other chemo patients?
Take it one day at a time. And accept the support, you are not alone.