The Chemo Club is so excited to get to know you!!! Please introduce yourself (Name, where you’re from) - What was your life like before undergoing chemotherapy?

I’m Lexie from Virginia Beach, VA but now live in Camden, Delaware! I just turned 31 on January 28th and have a wonderful husband and 2 step sons. Prior to my diagnosis I worked as a successful sales representative for a national builder, lead a healthy and active lifestyle which included working out at OrangeTheory Fitness 4-5 times per week, meeting with friends and family regularly, and traveling as much as possible!

Bring us along your journey – when were you diagnosed with cancer? What was your initial reaction?

I was diagnosed with the aggressive Triple Negative Breast cancer on 11/1/21, the day before my anniversary. I’d found a large lump, 5CM to be exact, on my right breast, along with swollen lymph nodes, just 11 days earlier. The 11 days between finding the lump and my diagnosis consisted of 4 doctor’s appointments, 1 ultrasound, 1 mammogram, and a very painful biopsy. Upon hearing the words “your biopsy did come back as cancer” I felt an instant relief because I knew at that point we’d have an answer and could start working towards kicking it’s ass.

What was your first chemotherapy treatment like? What treatment/treatments did you or are currently undergoing?

Honestly my first treatment was anticlimactic! I had no adverse reactions or terrible side effects. I am currently in my first phase of treatment which consists of weekly chemotherapy. I have 3 weeks left in this phase and then I’ll move on to my second phase which will consist of the beloved Red Devil, Cytoxan, and Keytruda every 3 weeks. Upon finishing chemotherapy I will have surgery and following surgery I will have 4-6 weeks of radiation due to lymphnode involvement.

Who did you turn to as your support system?

I am fortunate enough to have a tremendous support system with my entire family and all of my friends. My husband, Bryan, has been my rock. My parents travel 3.5 hours almost weekly to be here to help with whatever we need. I am also “lucky” enough to have a best friend who went through Triple Negative 11 years ago and she’s been such an amazing resource to have in my corner.

What is something you wished you knew before starting your chemo treatment?

 Treatments are the easy part! It’s the complete lifestyle change, lack of routine and normalcy that will test your mentality. Remember that you are still in control of the type of day you have - make the effort to make each one good.

Have there been certain side effects that have been worse than others?

I’ve been so fortunate that fatigue has been my worst side effect.

Any advice for other chemo patients?

 Stay off of Google!!! I didn’t google anything from the time I found my lump, and even once I was diagnosed. Listen to what your doctors say and ask them the questions. Lean on your support group, and remember that every single person’s cancer journey will be different.

